Category Archives: Style

The History of Mirrors

Mirrors Gallery, Palace of Versailles

The history of mirrors starts in the III Century B.C. Most ancient mirrors were made from metal and had a round shape. The backside of the ancient mirrors was beautifully embellished with ornamentation. Mirrors were made from highly polished bronze and silver. The first glass mirrors were invented in I Century by Romans. From ancient […]

About Venetian Glass

Murano Island (Venice) and hand-blown Murano glass flowers

For more than 1,000 years, glassmakers in Murano, Italy have created glass items of unsurpassed quality and beauty. Today, Venetian glass is still made using methods developed by the ancient artisans. The origins of Venetian glassmaking are traced to the time of the Roman Empire. During that time, the quality and beauty of Venetian glass […]

The Rise of Venetian Mirrors

Antiqued Venetian mirror framed in hand-etched glass with gold highlights, trimmed with glass ribbons, leaves and rosettes; Hand made in Murano, Italy.

The Venetian mirror was born on the tiny Italian island of Murano in Venice in the 15th century. Venetian mirrors were painstakingly produced, and creating one was a highly involved process. Upon completion, Venetian mirrors were considered to be masterpieces of art; the beauty of Venetian mirrors surpassed the expectations of what a mirror should […]

Luxury Decorative Hardware

Collection of knobs made of pewter or bronze with semi-precious stone inserts. All stone knobs are jeweled in USA. Knobs available with tiger eye semiprecious stone, onyx semi precious stone and many other stones

Think of jewelry – luscious diamonds, pearls, rubies, very fashionable. Jewelry never makes the overall look for the night, but it shapes the look in a way that would not be the same if you would not be wearing it. Jewelry adds a bit of glamour and a bit of a mystery – it has […]

Art Deco Style

Art Deco style

A Brief Art Deco History “Art Deco style is reappearing because Americans need a vacation from their problems.” The City of Lights, 1925. Advertised as the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, the world’s most renowned, influential artists and designers converged together in Paris to share a vision of the future. This high […]
